One of the sectors in which our company is more specialized is in the installation and subsequent maintenance of plumbing. We work with all kinds of suppliers to be able to acquire the best possible materials and, consequently, satisfy all the needs that our clients may have with the best service.

Any product available in the market can be installed by the most qualified team and the highest level installers, achieving a highly detailed installation carried out with the greatest precision and neatness possible. In addition, we offer a guarantee for both the product and the installation to ensure the most comfortable operation for the customer.

Any need of the client related to the reform, the construction of a building, or even the repair and solution of plumbing problems can be perfectly covered by our company.


The sanitation installation can be considered one of the main ones in architecture, since it must be projected from the beginning and it is vital for the correct use of the building. They are the basis of the comfort of a home or room. On many occasions when we carry out a large-scale project such as Zafiro Camp de Mar , for example, that integrates swimming pools in the basement of its room buildings And looking at the entire complex, it can be said that there is a large web of pipes that fulfill their functions, such as collecting water from the reservoirs to later be used for irrigation.


Currently, gray water collection circuits have been incorporated, which are treated and reused in the toilet tanks. Gray water has been used for ecological irrigation for a long time in the rural world, so we have proposed to bring this ecological and sustainable installation to all those who had not thought about this way of saving. The redirection of these waters to the sanitary systems is also a common option in homes or buildings that do not have outdoor spaces.


Rainwater, collected, filtered, and stored properly, represents an alternative source of high-quality water that can replace drinking water in the framework of some activities. For example, this water can be stored in tanks and used as a supplement to irrigation or used for toilets. Rainwater recovery must be considered as an environmental and economic solution.


We offer the restoration of the entire pool foundation to ensure an optimal experience with minimal concern. To carry out the services, we go to the inside of your machine room and be able to carry out its maintenance and heating. We offer solutions for swimming pools that are adaptable to any client and budget, as well as being true works of design.


We find drains even in the machines that we install for the air conditioners, which are necessarily intended to condense water and if we do not evacuate it correctly, it generates leaks in the roofs and dampness. These are almost always carried inside the walls and ceilings until they reach the main evacuation routes for the water in the kitchens and bathrooms.


The evacuation of sewage is what connects the sanitary equipment of our homes with the public infrastructure. They are necessary to legalize a business activity or grant a certificate of habitability. We can think that the installation consists only of connecting the elements with the ducts that flow into the network, but there is more, all of them also have an operating system between the water flow and the air flow, and that is the flow of the air and water that allows us to evacuate our waste.


Every tap has a drain, and sanitation goes hand in hand with the plumbing. One does not work without the other, it is a circuit for circulating the water through one we carry it and the other we remove it. When we talk about spas, we imagine a pool, a sauna, showers and other elements for care. Normally spas must be well planned to generate that wellness environment and we are experts.


The sanitation installation can be considered one of the main ones in architecture, since it must be projected from the beginning and it is vital for the correct use of the building. They are the basis of the comfort of a home or room. On many occasions when we carry out a large-scale project such as Zafiro Camp de Mar , for example, that integrates swimming pools in the basement of its room buildings And looking at the entire complex, it can be said that there is a large web of pipes that fulfill their functions, such as collecting water from the reservoirs to later be used for irrigation.


Actualmente se han incorporado los circuitos de recogida de las aguas grises que son tratadas y reutilizadas en las cisternas de los váteres.


También tenemos las recogidas de pluviales para almacenarla en depósitos y utilizar este agua como suplemento al riego, o bien, directamente solo para este uso.


Hablamos de saneamiento en los cimientos de las piscinas que hacen todo el recorrido dentro de su sala de máquinas para su mantenimiento y calentamiento de la misma.


Encontramos desagües hasta en las máquinas que instalamos para los aires acondicionados, que forzosamente están destinadas a condensar agua y si no la evacuamos correctamente, nos genera goteras en los techos y humedades. Estas casi siempre se llevan por el interior de las paredes y techos hasta llegar a las principales vías de evacuación de las aguas en las cocinas y baños.


La evacuación de las aguas fecales son las que conectan con los aparatos sanitarios de nuestras viviendas con la infraestructura pública. Para legalizar una actividad empresarial o conceder una cédula de habitabilidad son necesarias. Podemos pensar que la instalación consiste solamente al conexionado de los elementos con los conductos que desembocan en la red, pero hay más, todas ellas tienen también un sistema de funcionamiento entre el caudal de agua y el del aire, y es que es el flujo del aire y del agua que nos permite evacuar nuestros residuos.


Todo grifo tiene un desagüe, y es que el saneamiento va de la mano de la fontanería. Una no funciona sin la otra, es un circuito de circulación del agua por una la llevamos y por la otra la sacamos. Cuando hablamos de spas, nos imaginamos una piscina, una sauna, duchas y demás elementos para el cuidado. Normalmente los spas deben estar bien planteados para generar ese ambiente de bienestar y nosotros somos expertos.

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